

redirectionBackup Matched route

Route Parameters

No parameters.

Route Redirection

This page redirects to:


Route Matching Logs

Path to match: /
# Route name Path Log
1 sharing_partenaires /sharing/partenaires Path does not match
2 sharing_partenaires_add /sharing/partenaires/add Path does not match
3 sharing_partenaires_active /sharing/partenaires/active Path does not match
4 sharing_partenaires_desactive /sharing/partenaires/desactive Path does not match
5 sharing_partenaires_update /sharing/partenaires/update/{id} Path does not match
6 suiviAccount /administration/suiviAccount Path does not match
7 suiviAccountData /administration/suiviAccountData Path does not match
8 gestionself /administration/gestionself Path does not match
9 gestionselfAdd /service/administration/gestionself/add Path does not match
10 gestionselfDelete /service/administration/gestionself/delete Path does not match
11 log /log Path does not match
12 notificationInitialisation /notification/initialisation Path does not match
13 ping /notification/ping Path does not match
14 markEverythingRead /notification/markEverythingRead Path does not match
15 pingEveryone /notification/pingEveryone/{message} Path does not match
16 pingEveryoneNewProject /notification/pingEveryone-newProject/{message} Path does not match
17 pingUser /notification/pingUser/{userId}/{message} Path does not match
18 pingRole /notification/pingRole/{role} Path does not match
19 isReadUpdate /notification/isRead/update Path does not match
20 user_registration /register/ Path does not match
21 login /login Path does not match
22 loginfirst /login/first Path does not match
23 changelanguage /users/changelanguage Path does not match
24 users /users Path does not match
25 adminStats /administration/stats Path does not match
26 usersUpdate /users/update/{id} Path does not match
27 usersDelete /users/delete/{id} Path does not match
28 usersValidate /users/validate/{id} Path does not match
29 usersWait /users/wait/{id} Path does not match
30 usersRefuse /users/refuse/{id} Path does not match
31 gestionRole /users/gestionRole/ Path does not match
32 updateLearning /users/gestionRole/updateLearning/{userID}/{learningTheme} Path does not match
33 addAdvertisersThemed /administration/advertisersThemed/new/{name} Path does not match
34 removeAdvertisersThemed /administration/advertisersThemed/remove/{id} Path does not match
35 updateAdvertisersThemedColor /administration/advertisersThemed/update/color/{id}/{color} Path does not match
36 parametreShow /administration/parametre/ Path does not match
37 parametreLineitemPurgeAdd /administration/parametre/lineitempurge/add/{id} Path does not match
38 parametreLineitemPurgeRemove /administration/parametre/lineitempurge/remove/{id} Path does not match
39 addRole /users/addRole/{name} Path does not match
40 gestionRoleUpdate /users/gestionRole/update/{id}/{item} Path does not match
41 walletsIndex /wallets Path does not match
42 walletdétail /wallet/{id} Path does not match
43 createWallet /client/wallet/create/ Path does not match
44 walletUpdateBalance /client/wallet/updateBalance/ Path does not match
45 walletUpdateActive /client/wallet/updateActive/{advId}/{active} Path does not match
46 refreshAdvertisers /client/refreshAdvertisers Path does not match
47 updateExcelSitePdf /client/creationPlanTagPdf/Site/{nomPlanTag}/{nom1}/{id1}/{nom2}/{id2}/{advId}/{projectId}/{pdfSwitcher} Path does not match
48 updateExcelSite /client/creationPlanTag/Site/{nomPlanTag}/{nom1}/{id1}/{nom2}/{id2}/{advId}/{projectId} Path does not match
49 updateExcelBilleterie /client/creationPlanTag/Billetterie/{nomPlanTag}/{nom1}/{id1}/{nom2}/{id2}/{nom3}/{id3}/{IdBuyer}/{IdCpa}/{advId}/{projectId} Path does not match
50 createCpa /client/creationPlanTag/conversionVente/{AdvId}/{nomPlanTag} Path does not match
51 createSegmentClient /client/creationPlanTag/createSegment/{name}/{AdvId} Path does not match
52 associateSegment /client/associateSegment/{advertiserid}/{segmentid} Path does not match
53 associateForm /client/form/{advertiserid}/{segmentid} Path does not match
54 apiCreateCampaign /client/api/create/campaign/{advName}/{templateName}/{advId} Path does not match
55 apiAuth /client/api/auth/{username}/{password} Path does not match
56 apiMasterToken /client/api/master_token/{username}/{password} Path does not match
57 updateSuiviPar /client/updateSuiviPar/{advertiserid}/{userid} Path does not match
58 updateAdvCat /client/updateAdvCat/{advId}/{idAdvTheme} Path does not match
59 client /client Path does not match
60 lazyloadClientIndex /lazyload/clientIndex Path does not match
61 updateAdvertisers /client/updateAdvertisers/{advertiserid}/{type}/{object} Path does not match
62 updateContact /client/updateContact/{advertiserid}/{object} Path does not match
63 updateRetargettingId /client/updateRetargettingId/{advertiserid}/{object} Path does not match
64 updateWhitelistMetricsDv360 /client/updateWhitelistMetricsDv360/ Path does not match
65 updateWhitelistMetricsGoogleAds /client/updateWhitelistMetricsGoogleAds/ Path does not match
66 updateWhitelistV2 /client/service/updateWhitelist/ Path does not match
67 updateWhitelistCampaign /client/service/updateWhitelistCampaign/ Path does not match
68 clientSegmentAssociationSearch /client/segmentAssociation/search/{name} Path does not match
69 clientSegmentAssociationAdd /client/segmentAssociation/add Path does not match
70 formsavailableAdd /client/formsavailable/add/{name} Path does not match
71 formsavailableDel /client/formsavailable/del/{id} Path does not match
72 clientSegmentAssociationDel /client/segmentAssociation/del/{id} Path does not match
73 clientShow /client/{id} Path does not match
74 abonnementUpdate /client/abonnement/update/{advId}/{advName} Path does not match
75 associationCreate /client/association/create/{advId}/{liId}/{name} Path does not match
76 associationRemove /client/association/remove/{id} Path does not match
77 downloadConv /client/downloadConv/{id}/{plateform} Path does not match
78 downloadPerformance /client/download/performance Path does not match
79 keyclientUpdate /client/keyclientUpdate/ Path does not match
80 plateformAssociationClientId /client/plateformAssociation/{clientId} Path does not match
81 plateformDataAccessUpdate /client/accessDataUpdate/{advertiserid}/{active}/{dataType} Path does not match
82 sharingCampaign /client/sharingCampaign/{clientId} Path does not match
83 sharingCampaignAll /client/sharingCampaignAll/{clientId} Path does not match
84 app_client_client_updateclientinfo /client/updateClientInfo/{id} Path does not match
85 updateMarginFacebook /service/client/updateMarginFecebook Path does not match
86 updateMarginGoogleAds /service/client/updateMarginGoogleAds Path does not match
87 clientServiceFirstsetupCreateXandrAdv /client/service/firstsetup/createXandrAdv Path does not match
88 clientServiceFirstsetupCreateDv360Adv /client/service/firstsetup/createDv360Adv Path does not match
89 clientServiceFirstsetupCreateGoogleAdsAds /client/service/firstsetup/createGoogleAdsAdv Path does not match
90 clientServiceFirstsetupAssociationclientwhitelabel /client/service/firstsetup/associationclientwhitelabel Path does not match
91 clientServiceFirstsetupAssociation /client/service/firstsetup/association Path does not match
92 clientServiceAssocPageFacebookStep1 /client/service/assocPageFacebook/step1 Path does not match
93 clientServiceAssocPageFacebookStep2 /client/service/assocPageFacebook/step2 Path does not match
94 clientServiceAssocPageFacebookDelete /client/service/assocPageFacebook/delete Path does not match
95 pixelBase /lazyload/client/pixelBase Path does not match
96 CookieBase /lazyload/client/CookieBase Path does not match
97 CampagneBase /lazyload/client/CampagneBase Path does not match
98 ImpsCampagneBase /lazyload/client/ImpsCampagneBase Path does not match
99 ConfigurationDashboard /lazyload/client/ConfigurationDashboard Path does not match
100 dataclient /data/dataclient Path does not match
101 dashboardPage /dashboard Path does not match
102 dashboardMesNotifications /dashboard/mesNotifications Path does not match
103 isConnected /isConnected Path does not match
104 redirectionBackup / Route matches!

Note: These matching logs are based on the current router configuration, which might differ from the configuration used when profiling this request.